Morocco celebrates the 67th anniversary of “the revolution of the King and the People”

Morocco celebrates the 67th anniversary of “the revolution of the King and the People”

Moroccans are celebrating today the 67th anniversary of “the revolution of the King and the People”. This auspicious celebration holds a unique and particular meaning for The Moroccan Nation as it reflects on its longstanding history and unwavering commitment for cohesion liberty and independence.

On August 20 1953, the colonial authorities forced late Mohammed V, the legitimate Sultan of the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as the Royal Family, into exile in Corsica (Madagascar from 1954). As soon as the exile of the Sovereign was announced, the Moroccans, deeply attached to the glorious Alaouite Throne, marched by thousands in all regions of the Kingdom to show their rejection of this decision considered as an unacceptable attack on the symbol of their unity.

This uprising gave rise to the first movement of a resistance that aspired to emancipate itself from the colonial yoke. Thus, for more than two years, the country lived to the pace of acts of resistance, strikes and demonstrations that turned the presence of the occupier on the soil of the Cherifian Kingdom into an unbearable position.
After 28 months, the colonial authorities were forced to acknowledge the failure of their enterprise and to admit defeat. It was now clear that nothing and no one could undermine the perfect symbiosis and the unfailing ties between the Moroccans and the Alaouite throne.

On 16 November 1955, the just and legitimate demands of both the people and the Sovereign finally came to a successful outcome, sealing the Sultan's triumphant return to his country. A return which already foreshadowed an imminent liberation and which led, after one year, to the announcement of independence and the beginning of the "great Jihad", that of the construction of a new and modern Morocco.

This quest for freedom was followed by the independence of other parts of the national territory, namely the recovery of the Tarfaya in 1958, Sidi Ifni in 1969, and the completion of territorial unity after the organization of the Green March in 1975. Morocco finally recovered the province of Oued Eddahab on 14 August 1979.
This glorious moment in the history of the Kingdom, testifies to the patriotism of Moroccans and the strong ties between the throne and the people, which has, from always, served as a shield against the enemies of the Nation and as a lever to meet the challenges and aspirations of Nation.

These same noble values and the sense of sacrifice continue to embody today the Kingdom’s pathway towards modernity, development and the consolidation of democracy and human rights under the humanistic, altruist and forward looking leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

